Hi, I’m Hans Schumann.

I'm an Executive Career & Life Coach in London with a background in law and financial services.

I have been fascinated by the human mind and personal growth since my teenage years. It “just” took me 20 years to figure out that this could be a career for me!

A serious health crisis with an autoimmune disease, triggered by a burnout, made me housebound for almost two years. This prompted me to re-evaluate my life, leave the golden cage of the corporate world and reconnect to my passion for personal growth.

I now help executives, professionals and business owners create and thrive in lives they truly love. Most of my clients are in established careers, but at a point where they are ready to up their game and create deeper fulfilment and greater success. For some of them that’s about changing or progressing in their career. For others it’s about becoming more effective in what they already do, growing as leaders or creating a more balanced lifestyle

I'm also the author of the self-coaching book: “Falling in Love With Your Job”, available on Amazon.